Sep 25, 2012

A Curvy Quilt

I have tons of fabric, huge plastic bins full of it in my craft room.  I think my husband cringes a little every time I come home with another bag from Jo-Ann's!
I have been making an effort to use what I already have for my projects instead of adding to my ever growing collection.  I made this quilt with some charm pack squares I have had for over a year!  They are the Sugar Pop line by Liz Scott for Moda.  

I used a drunkard's path square (more on that later) and I am really digging the modern curvy look.  It measures 40" x  40".

I used some Kona solids I had in my stash too, the white for the top and the green for the binding.  Its the same green I used on Emily's quilt.  The only fabric I had to buy for this one was what I used for the back and the stripe on the front, and I used every last bit of it.

I liked this quilt so much I considered keeping it for Emily but I think I will gift it instead, I think I know of the perfect home for it!


  1. beautiful! i was considering making a circle quilt and i love the way half the circle matches the background. just gorgeous!

    1. Thanks Emily! This quilt was easier to make than I expected, I am hoping to do another one like it soon!

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  4. Excellent Blog! I would like to thank you for the efforts you have made in writing this post. 스포츠토토승부식

  5. Create and attach the binding to finish the edges of the quilt. You can use a fabric that contrasts Watermelon Game or complements the quilt top.



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